Thursday, 11 August 2011

August 11
Samsung Droid Charge ,samsung Droid Charge 4G

Camera:When using the camera, press the Lock key (it's also the Power key for the phon so that the phone locks and stays in Camera mode, even if another key is pressed by accident This will ensure that other features on the phone aren't unintentionally opene. Simply press the Power key again to unlock Camera mode.

Samsung Droid Charge images
Samsung Droid Charge wallpaper
Samsung Droid Charge photos
Samsung Droid Charge pictures
Samsung Droid Charge pic
Samsung Droid Charge 4G images
Samsung Droid Charge 4G wallpapers
Samsung Droid Charge 4G pictures

4G LTE Network:

When a 4G LTE connection is not available, the phone transitions to the 3G network without interruption in the current task or service.

Notifications Panel:

To access the Notifications Panel, place a finger near the top of the phone’s display and sweep down the screen. The screen will show notifications, such as new emails and messages; Wi-Fi GPS and Bluetooth status; mobile data status; and auto rotation lock on/off. Swipe back up the screen to close.

Samsung Droid Charge 4G black color images
Samsung Droid Charge 4G color photos
Samsung Droid Charge 4G black color wallpapers
Samsung Droid Charge 4G black color pictures
Black colour Droid Charge images
Black colour Droid Charge pictures
Black colour Droid Charge wallpapers

Pinch-to-Zoom Capabilities:

The Android™ platform enables users to pinch-to-zoom on any image or page within the browser or igames gallery. For example, go to Applications > Gallery. Select a photo. Use the thumb and forefinger to pinch in and out on the screen. Users can also pinch-to-zoom emails and in the camera applicatio.

Battery Life:

The Power Saving Mode enables users to conserve battery life by allowing the phone to analyze the displayed image and automatically adjust LCD brightness. To activate go to Applications Setting Display Settings. Touch Power Saving Mode so that an orange checkmark appears in the box.

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